When I thought for the first time about creating a new body of work I started studying light and darkness. 

During my research period, I was taught that light and darkness moves in waves and exists of very many small parts. This magical structure is normal to us but as a photographer searching for light and darkness it is an inspiration and reason to express it in a photo story. The first idea was to create portraits which were either very dark or light but during my survey I found it necessary to add landscape images to the suitable portraits, which resulted in duo images.

Once I decided to visualize this concept in landscape images as well I searched for a location where there are white & black colours combined in the landscape. For me Iceland embodies this with its immense lava fields and snowy weather during winter time (I visited Iceland in February).
The landscape images chosen for this project are: glacier, ice rocks, streams and lava rocks (due to the many volcano eruption lava flowed over Iceland and solidified when it reached the sea, it created fairy-tale like rocks).


Models: Xueli, Sienna, Ingemar. 
Location: Southern Iceland. 
Photography &editing: Alice de Kruijs

Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
Alice de Kruijs, Black & White project
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